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Memories @ Pecan Park

Memories @ Pecan Park

We’ve got some grand old pecan trees on our farm that have a cool backstory. These old-timers are the last of their kind from a bygone era. In this local area, back in the day, soldiers returning from the Boer War planted pecan orchards on their soldier settlement plots. 

We don’t grow pecans commercially, but our ‘Pecan Park’, has been a wonderful drawcard for family, friends and locals too. Gathering nuts was a fun little hobby, especially when it meant earning some pocket money. Other times, kids would scamper up the trees getting higher and higher or try to outdo each other on the tree swing - their laughter echoing through the branches.

Every year, we watched the same pale-headed rosellas nest in the same tree. But watching goannas climb that same tree trying to access the nest was heart wrenching, but that’s nature. We've spotted pythons lounging on the branches, soaking up the sun, and white cockatoos squawking loudly to alert their mates when they discover the nuts are ripe for pilfering.

A white cockatoo checking out the pecan nuts to feast on

blog events farm updates pecans 000Large pecan branch knocked down in the windstorm

Our pecan trees have also set the stage for birthday bashes, two family weddings and the official gathering area for our long table lunches and farm tours. Many a conversation and cackle of laughter have rebounded from these events. Great memories indeed.

A few years ago, we hired an arborist to trim the higher branches and encourage new growth lower down, which worked like a charm. But Mother Nature can be a bit of a drama queen. A while ago, a windstorm snapped off a big branch, so we whipped out the chainsaw, and made quick work of it. The loud crash of the branch hitting the ground didn't sit well with our farm dog, Vader. His barking was ferocious, likely because it scared the daylights out of him.

Now, these grand old dames are pushing 00 years and starting to show their age. But the spectacular autumn colours make the leaf mess totally worth it, and the colourful sunsets that backdrop the trees are to die for.  We know however, these majestic trees won't last forever, but until then, we're soaking up every minute of their company.

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